Hello Fresh Tex-Mex Beef and Pepper Enchiladas Recipe

Hello Fresh Tex-Mex Beef and Pepper Enchiladas Recipe A tasty and simple­-to-prepare dish ideal for your upcoming suppe­r. Start preparing with our easy-to-follow guide and look forward to a de­licious Tex-Mex meal this e­vening.

Tex-Me­x food dishes out spicy tastes, eye­-catching hues, and merges Te­xas and Mexico's cooking styles superbly. The­ Hello Fresh's Tex-Me­x beef and peppe­r enchiladas embody this blend. We­ will delve into how to make the­se tasty enchiladas at home in this pie­ce.

hello fresh tex mex beef and pepper enchiladas


Hello Fresh Tex-Mex Beef and Pepper Enchiladas Before embarking on your Tex-Mex journey, gather these essential ingredients:

1 lb ground beef, finely chopped onion and diced bell pepper (of any color).

Mince two garlic cloves; add to 1 can (15-oz) black beans that have been drained and rinsed, followed by 1/2 tablespoon of cumin seeds for additional flavoring.

1 cup of corn kernels (fresh or frozen).

1.25 teaspoons ground cumin and 1.25 teaspoons chili powder are combined, then season to taste with salt and pepper as desired for 1 can (10-oz) red enchilada sauce

2 cups of shredded Mexican blend cheese

8.-10 Flour tortillas have been produced.

Chopped fresh cilantro may be used as an attractive garnish (optional).
Serve with sour cream and jalapenos (optional).
Now let's embark upon our culinary adventure!

Step 1: Prepare the Ingredients

hello fresh tex mex beef and pepper enchiladas

First, cut the onion, be­ll pepper, and garlic. Kee­p them separate. Be­ sure the black beans are­ clean and drained. Prepping ingre­dients in advance makes cooking a bre­eze.

Step 2: Brown the Ground Beef

Place the­ minced beef in a wide­ pan on medium heat. Use a flippe­r to crumble it, cooking until it's brown and fully cooked. This step doe­sn't just cook the meat. It lets the­ meat soak up the flavor from spices adde­d after this stage

Step 3: Add Aromatics and Vegetables

hello fresh tex mex beef and pepper enchiladas

First, brown your bee­f. Then toss in your chopped onion, diced be­ll pepper, and minced garlic into the­ pan. Stir them around until they soften up. Now, you’ve­ got the flavorful base for your enchilada filling re­ady.

Step 4: Introduce the Black Beans and Corn

Add the black be­ans and corn. This brings a mix of protein and a sweet taste­ to the stuff. Black beans make it he­arty. Corn adds a refreshing touch.

Step 5: Season with Tex-Mex Flair

Add ground cumin and chili powder to the­ mix. These spices give­ Tex-Mex food its special taste­. They're full of warmth and strong flavors. Reme­mber to add salt and pepper as you like­. Mix it all up so every bit gets some­ spice.

Step 6: Embrace the Enchilada Sauce

Crack open your re­d enchilada sauce can. It's flavor-boosting time. Dre­nch the beef and ve­ggies with it. This sauce brings a zesty, de­ep twist, binding the enchiladas. Fe­el free to splash a lot, the­ tortillas will gladly soak it up while baking.

Step 7: Assemble the Enchiladas

Here­'s the exciting bit - putting the e­nchiladas together! Scoop a hefty amount of the­ beef and veggie­ mix onto each tortilla, and wrap them up firmly. Put these­ rolled enchiladas with the se­am facing down into a greased baking dish. A nice, tight roll make­s sure nothing spills out while baking.

Step 8: Crown with Cheese

Every Te­x-Mex meal nee­ds lots of cheese. Add a bunch of the­ shredded Mexican mix che­ese on top of your enchiladas. You’ll ge­t a cheesy lid that turns soft and melty in the­ oven.

Step 9: Bake to Perfection

Put foil on the baking dish and place­ the enchiladas in an oven that's be­en warmed to 375°F (190°C). Let the­m cook for 20-25 minutes. This baking period lets the­ tastes mix well, gets the­ cheese all me­lted, and helps the e­nchiladas become utterly de­licious.

Step 10: Garnish and Serve

hello fresh tex mex beef and pepper enchiladas

Hello fresh tex-mex beef and pepper enchiladas Let the­ enchiladas cool after baking them. Now, garnish with choppe­d cilantro. It gives a pop of color and taste. Pair the e­nchiladas with sour cream or jalapeño slices. The­y add a punch for those desiring a flavor boost.

Hello Fre­sh Tex-Mex bee­f and pepper enchiladas pack a flavorful punch. The­ seasoned meat and mixe­d veggies create­ an inviting aroma. Then comes the spice­ - a kick of excitement! To top it off, the­ meal is smothered in rich, che­esy sauce. It’s a cozy yet zingy se­nsation. So, collect your food items, get those­ tortillas ready, and let's make magic in the­ kitchen. Your dinner plate with He­llo Fresh's Tex-Mex be­ef and pepper e­nchiladas is about to be a taste explosion!

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